
Demystifying The OTE Drinks Range

As our product range continues to grow we want to make sure your knowledge grows with it. Hydro Tabs, Energy Drink or Super Carbs; all part of our drinks range but all have different qualities to help you get the most out of your exercise. Let’s help you work out which of our OTE drinks is right for you.

Hydro Tabs

One misconception with Hydro Tabs is that they will fuel your exercise. Actually they contain next to no calories; a mere 8kcal per tab. The main aim of a Hydro Tab is to help aid hydration. They contain a balance of electrolytes which:

  1. Replaces salts lost during sweating
  2. Aids the uptake of fluid into our system better than just water alone.

The primary electrolytes present in sweat during exercise are sodium and chloride with smaller amounts of magnesium, potassium and calcium also present. Sodium is important for ensuring the maintenance of the body’s extracellular fluid volumes which effects our blood volume and pressure. This can be achieved by maintaining a simple balance between intake and excretion. Hydro Tabs helps maintain this!

Dehydration negatively affects performance, even as little as 2% loss of body weight due to dehydration has been shown to impair performance. So always THINK, DRINK.

We would advise using Hydro Tabs:

  • During hot and humid weather
  • For low intensity exercise or short sessions that require no fuel
  • Alongside Duo Bars or Anytime Bars for longer training sessions.
  • Pre-event preparation to make sure you start fully hydrated.

REMEMBER: There is no fuel in Hydro Tabs just electrolytes.

Energy Drink

It’s been part of our range from the very beginning & has stood the test of time. Our naturally flavoured Energy Drink isn’t the same as every other energy drink on the market; it’s pH neutral. In a nutshell this means it’s kind on your stomach. If you compromise on ingredients then this can cause an acidic environment in the stomach and the discomfort all too often associated with sports nutrition. Well, we don’t like compromise and this doesn’t have to be the case! And we’ve made sure of it with this drink.

Each 500ml bottle contains 40g of carbohydrates as well as balanced electrolytes. This means one bottle can replace your energy stores, salt stores & help you rehydrate! So for training sessions longer than 90 minutes, where the intensity is moderate to high, this energy drink is a great option. Because of the natural flavouring, our energy drink is not too sickly sweet either. It’s a little know fact that our taste buds change as we exercise over longer periods and we actually crave more salty flavours. By keeping the flavouring more neutral, this should help avoid barrier to fuelling.

We would advise using Energy Drink:

  • When training sessions are longer than 90 minutes.
  • For times when energy intake is important but you struggle to eat.
  • As part of a fuelling plan during competition.
  • Alongside One Energy Gel or Half a Duo Bar to achieve the recommended 60g of carbohydrates per hour.

Super Carbs

We often get asked, is double the serving of our normal energy drink then same as one serving of Super Carbs. The answer is no; there is much more to this high performance energy drink. The Super Carbs Drink has been specifically formulated be mixed with water and consumed like your regular energy drink. However, when the drink hits the acidity of the stomach, it’s special formulation means a gel is formed that allows quick transportation of the drink (and more carbs/energy) into the intestine where they are absorbed. We’ve also made sure electrolytes are in there too. This is the high performance option of the OTE drinks range.

This means that in one 500ml bottle of Super Carbs can supply you with a massive 80g of carbohydrates that you can absorb. That’s double that of the Energy Drink!

So why wouldn’t you use Super Carbs all the time?

It’s important to weigh up a) whether you really need such a big carbohydrate intake and b) will this mean you compromise your hydration status by drinking less?

We would advise using Super Carbs when:

a) the intensity of your workout is high with a significant increase in energy expenditure.
b) the weather conditions are cooler and you may not need to drink as much to remain hydrated but still need the energy.
c) the time available to take on fluid/energy is restricted, for example in team sports or endurance events as more carbohydrate per mouthful can be provided to fuel your workout.

A good example of Super Carbs use is Alistair Brownlee during his first ever Ironman in Cork. The energy demands are so high that this drink allowed his to take on more carbohydrates, more easily which ultimately helped him win! Also the Super Carbs is often used in marathons, you can watch our video with Team New Balance Manchester here.

Hopefully this has helped you understand the differences between our three key OTE drinks. We would always recommend trialling sports nutrition in your training before taking it to an event, and always recommend mixing the drinks as advised on pack so they can provide what is intended.