A Day In The Life Of Georgia Taylor-Brown

Recently, we were lucky enough to shadow OTE Fuelled Georgia Taylor-Brown for a day of training in Leeds. As one of Team GB's star triathlete's we were really interested to see what Georgia's average day consisted of & what it takes to be one of the World's best athletes.

What Does Your Training Look Like?
A key day for me is a Thursday. I have a threshold swim in the morning and straight off the back of that I do an easy 50 minute run. It’s quite hard to do a long run off the back of a hard swim but it’s good for me to practise running tired. This is so when it comes to the back end of a race and I’m tired, I know I can push through.
After this I head home for breakfast. I then have a quick nap. Once I wake up, I have a coffee, make lunch and put my feet up before a bike session. At the minute we are on the bike circuit in the evening doing race pace efforts with technical parts. However soon we will add chain gang in which I always love. I usually do a quick run off the back of the bike session. This could be something like 3×1 minute hard then 3 minutes tempo. Again this is just to practise running off the bike with tired legs. Then I head home, take in some protein; bar or shake depending on how fragile I am feeling.
Day done, time to prepare for Friday!

How do you plan your food around your day's training?
I have to be well prepared for my Thursdays because I have 2 key sessions in there and don’t have much time at home.
Before I leave for swim I have some toast and a green tea on my way to swimming. After swim I have an OTE Anytime Bar (banana or apple and cinnamon for me). Then before I head out on my run, I try to make sure I have finished my 750ml bottle of fluid.
Post run I head home and have porridge with a banana and a cup of tea, then jump into bed. I wake up and have a coffee and then make lunch. At the minute, I’m trying to mix my lunches up. I love ham and cheese omelettes on some toast with avocado and a glass of orange juice. It’s quick and easy and has everything I need to fuel me.
An hour before I leave for my bike session I have a little snack. This is either tea loaf/scone/peanut butter & jam on toast plus a banana. I know I will be out for a while with the bike session so I use the OTE Energy Drink in my 750ml bottle, plus a smaller bottle of water. Usually I’ll take a Duo Bar with me and an OTE Energy Gel too. The Energy Gel to consume during the session is to practise for race days and the Duo Bar if I get a bit peckish on my ride home. Once I’m home its easy to get an OTE Protein Bar or Recovery Shake in me before I shower. Furthermore on busy days I will have something prepared for dinner before leaving on the bike: a slow cooked joint or a pasta sauce pre made.

What is your go to breakfast on a big training day?
I love porridge and a banana, very simple. On a big training day though, sometimes I need something easier on my tummy and something that keeps me fuelled for longer. Therefore I will make rice pudding and have it with yoghurt and apple compote or a banana. I use 1/2 cup of rice, 1 cup almond milk, a little water, lots of cinnamon and just leave it to cook on the hob. I serve it with a big spoonful of yoghurt!
Do you do anything around your training that takes your mind off the world of triathlon?
I love cooking, and baking bread! Currently I am trying to perfect my sourdough, which is frustrating, but I love having fresh bread. I also love experimenting in the kitchen. I’m always trying out new recipes, we hardly ever have the same meals.
Check out Georgia Taylor-Brown’s world triathlon profile here.