
70.3 Triathlon Nutrition Guide

Fresh from her victory at Challenge Wales, we caught up with Lucy Byram to talk 70.3 triathlon nutrition. We take a closer look at how OTE products help shape her race day strategy.


Whilst travelling and the days leading up to the race, I always carry a bottle of water containing a Hydro Tab in to keep hydration levels as high as possible, my favourite flavour is orange. When I need that added boost or am catching an early flight or transfer, I always use the pink grapefruit caffeine hydro tabs. The OTE Anytime bars are the perfect travel snack to have in your bag, long waits in the airport at baggage collection or for transfers means hunger can creep in, my favourites are caramel and banana flavours.

Hydro Tabs are a key part of 70.3 Triathlon nutrition

Day Before The Race

The day before the race I will always do a jog in the morning including some short strides of 50 meters or so to get the legs turning over, totalling 25-30 minutes for the whole run. If you get the opportunity for a swim the day before the race, I will always do this as it loosens off your shoulders and your body after potentially a long travel day the day before. If none of this is possible for you or you feel you need a more chilled pre-race day, then doing some yoga to loosen off all your joints and muscles will have you feeling relaxed and ready for race day. Again, making sure hydration levels are kept topped up, sipping on a bottle containing a hydro tab will do the job! A key part of my 70.3 triathlon nutrition strategy.

70.3 Triathlon Nutrition Guide — OTE Sports

Race Day Nutrition

The morning of the race for breakfast I will have a bowl of porridge and a banana around 2.5-3 hours before the race start time. Then 60 minutes before the race I will have an Anytime bar, I am used to eating these bars and know they sit well in my stomach.

Half an hour before the race starts, I will have a Berry Super Gel to make sure energy supplies are topped up for the swim and first part of the bike.

On the bike I will have two 500ml bottles, one with just water and one with Super Carbs Blackcurrant powder as well as a berry super gel also mixed in, this gives me 120g of carbohydrates to have on the bike. The new individual Super Carbs sachets are perfect to take away with you when travelling too. On the bike leg I will also take on a Super Gel halfway through the bike and a Caffeine gel at around 10 minutes before getting off the bike.

70.3 Triathlon Nutrition Guide — OTE Sports

Once on the run I will carry 2 caffeine gels and one regular energy gel. I’ll also top up with water at the aid stations on the course. These gels are easy to have when running, especially when there is the ‘tear to sip’ option. This gives me time to consume them without getting too out of breath or spilling all over me. I would usually try and take it over a 5-minute period. I would take one after 25 minutes and the second after 50 minutes of running. Then if I need an extra boost to get me over the finish line I’ll take my third gel. This would usually be after 70 minutes of running.

70.3 Triathlon Nutrition Tips for the run:

1. Always carry an emergency gel on the run and bike. When racing you will go through high and low energy points often unexpectedly. Carrying an extra gel will give you comfort that you have it if you need it.

2. Little and often is key. You don’t want to take on too much at once as it may make you feel sick and full. This is especially true when you are pushing your body very hard.

3. Test your pre and during race nutrition well in advance of any race. This way on race day you are confident in your fuelling strategies and can let the hard training pay off. Hard run session and brick sessions are a good time to replicate the high intensity of a race.

Post Race Nutrition

After the race, 20 minutes after finishing I always have a chocolate whey protein shake as the final part of my 70.3 triathlon nutrition. At home I would make it half and half with milk and water, but after a race, water is easily accessible so I use this, and I can report it tastes amazing after your race and feels like a well-deserved treat!

I will always try and soak my legs in cold water after my race, this is usually just in the sea or lake I completed the swim in which is usually cold enough to have a soothing/recovery effect, I will soak my legs for around 10 minutes. Once I have completed a little jog/walk cool down and some stretches I will then start refuelling my body. A high carb meal is best, and a pizza is usually on the menu for me!

The morning after the race is often a struggle physically, the key is not to stay still for too long, so you don’t have time to stiffen up. Going for a little swim helps my muscles to flush out all the lactic and some of the fatigue from the race, I say ‘little swim’ by this I mean a float up and down for 15 minutes usually with a pull-buoy in.

Replenishing all the lost electrolytes is also key to prevent any cramping, I use the hydro tabs throughout the two days following a race to get on top of this. However, the most important thing is to reward yourself for all your hard work and the race you have just completed, have a drink, eat what you want and celebrate your achievements!

Super Gel mid race is a key part of Lucy's 70.3 triathlon nutrition strategy.